We do workplace safety!

We deliver workplace safety stand-alone, or as part of loss control, or ergonomics. Whether conducting loss control surveys, delivering safety training, or performing remote ergonomic assessments, we know workplace safety and we are in the forward position to help our clients prevent injuries and losses. We work to identify risk and opportunities using a combination of technology and human insight. Our solutions can significantly reduce both the frequency and severity of losses.
Discover how we deliver:

Loss Control

100% On Time Rate, and by far the best Loss Control Pros in anywhere!  “I wish Aspen had Loss Control Representatives everywhere in the country,” as shared by one of our largest clients (we're just about there).  Aspen's risk  improvement services reduce exposures and prevent injuries and losses.

Workplace Safety

Our Safe People – Safe Places process helps to achieve regulatory and best practice success while implementing loss reduction techniques.  Whether conducting a "Mock OSHA" survey, training supervisors, or providing online safety services our Safety Pros are the Best in Class!


Ergonomics is more than a single workstation - whether at home or the office. Outside factors such as personal laptops, tablets, smart phones, social media, gaming, and texting are posture-killing activities.  ERGOhealthy is the answer to these challenges.

Don't take our word for it...  We're happy to provide current client references.  

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