The ergonomic landscape is ever-fluctuating–

– and now includes working from home, the use of desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smart phones, and other devices. Working remotely, social media, and sedentary lifestyles all create new ergonomic challenges and the need to find innovative ways to prevent musculoskeletal injuries from strains and sprains, while implementing long-term solutions.
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Setting up Your Workstation

There are some important steps to setting up your computer workstation for good posture.  One thing to keep in mind is that any one position is not ideal for an indefinite time period.  Changing positions and posture frequently by adjusting equipment and alternating tasks (typing, writing, walking, standing, even fidgeting) will ensure a healthy setup.  Lastly, posture is the most important factor to ergonomic health.  Chairs, working surfaces, accessories, monitors, keyboards, etc. can help, but they cannot cause good posture.    Link to five Quick_Steps_Setting_up_Your_Workstation.

Steps to an ergonomically healthy work environment:

  • Make sure you have an adjustable chair and that it is adjusted to fit you.  If you are working temporarily at a home or remote office, it's OK to occasionally use a couch, lounge chair, or kitchen chair and table for temporary use.  Just be sure to be in good posture when using your laptop, tablet, and keyboard/mouse.
  • It's important to take frequent micro-breaks every 1-2 hours and do gentle stretches to keep your muscles limber.
  • Commonly used office items (monitor, documents, keyboard, mouse, and phone) are positioned relatively close to you.
  • Have adequate lighting and minimal glare.
  • Move your eyes frequently and focus them away from the screen.
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